AWARDS 2016. International Design and Architectural Awards
Dot Property Award. Winer BEST OF THE BEST Residences.
Project: Anamaya Samui
Developer: Anamaya Estate Co. Ltd
Architects: A-MDM
Product type: 40 villas and 16 apartments
Location: Choeng Mon, Thailand
Launch date: February 2017
Total number of units: 56
Sales office contact details: +66 (0) 83-107-9684
Anamaya, set on the northeast Peninsula of Samui Island, provides unequaled panoramic views over the Gulf of Thailand and the nearby island of Koh Phangan.
The development (pictured below) is distinguished by its naturally beautiful setting, striking architecture, and dramatic ocean views.
Ancient banyan trees, giant boulders, and remnant coastal rainforest give the site and surrounding area its special character.
A wide range of villa designs has been created to take advantage of the exceptional setting, all sharing a contemporary, organic style and approach to tropical living.
All villas have between three- and seven-guest bedrooms, offering expansive living and entertaining areas.
Generous ceilings give a sense of space and maximize views, while interiors flow seamlessly to the terraces and infinity pools.
With these features, Anamaya demands a place in the ‘Best of the Best Residences in Southeast Asia’ this year.
Anamaya also features an exclusive private clubhouse, wedding piazza, sports center, spa, and children’s playground, which together with the estate’s five-star management will rival the best hotels – allowing owners and guests to enjoy a luxurious island lifestyle.

The development has been designed by renowned international architects A-MDM. Lead designer Misha Povstaniuk is highly respected throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
The villas provide the perfect blend of ‘contemporary tropical living’ and are designed to meet the highest level of western standards. They also incorporate green technologies and are produced using groundbreaking methods.
The development has a land area of almost 60,000 sqm and no less than 11 villa types with between three- and seven-bedrooms. Off-plan prices offer exceptional value for money within the region.
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Sino-Arab International DESIGN Award. Dubai 2016
While the influence of traditional, contemporary, and innovative aspects of architecture and design in the Far East has a wide-ranging reach spanning the globe, it has a particularly strong sway here in the Middle East. For those interested in meeting designers from countries such as Taiwan and China in person, head over to Dubai Community Theatre & Arts Centre (DUCTAC) in Mall of the Emirates for its latest exhibition, the second edition of Sino-Arab International Design, hosted by China International Interior Design (CIID).
Its extended title, Exchange Meeting and Global Tour Exhibition of Golden-Creativity Prize Owners in Dubai, sets out its aims and purpose – to award 10 designers from Asia with a platform to meet and network with their counterparts and potential clients in the Middle East while exhibiting some of their key projects in commercial, residential, hospitality, and arts and entertainment.
中国驻迪拜总领馆赵向军参赞、中国贸促会驻海湾代表处张喜敬首席代表、迪拜艺术中心总经理穆哈穆德阿里、迪拜专业室内设计师协会Renae Hewitt主任、博深集团彭铁缆董事长、阿联酋湖南商会陈陵辉会长及各阿联酋商业人士,法国著名室内设计师Herve Collignon阿联酋华文媒体们出席了本次活动的开幕式!由中国驻迪拜总领馆赵向军参赞、国贸促会驻海湾代表处张喜敬首席代表及迪拜艺术中心穆哈穆德阿里总经理分别为此次中阿国际设计交流展活动致辞。

17 th September 2016

Sino-Arab International Design Award

Sino-Arab International Design Award. Open Ceremony

Sino-Arab International Design

Sino-Arab International Design Award
ID+G AWARD. China, Beijing 2016
ID+G Golden-Creativity, one of the most international academic and influential space design awards, aims to explore and honor the best designers and design works.
Grand Ceremony for 2016 International Space Design Award. Golden-Creativity Award is a Complete Success On July 30, 2016, the 2016 4th Golden-Creativity International Space Design Competition and International Designer Summit.
The Golden- Creativity Award of this year has 1,000 participants who come from 15 countries including France, Italy, America, Spain, Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong, and more than 40 provinces and regions in China and has over 2,000 sets of entries.
According to the selection by international experts and the jury of the fouth Golden-Creativity international Space Design Competition, Mihail Povstaniuk works win 2016 the fourth ID+G Golden-Creativity Award
30 July 2016
ID+G Golden-Creativity International Jury
International Jury

The Golden Creativity Award of this year specially invited the president of the jury for “INNODESIGN PRIZE” international design award of France Ms. Marie RIGAUX to be president of the international jury and also specially invited the president of MCM International Design Group of the United States Michael C.Mitchell, vice-president of APID Professional Interior Design Association (Dubai)
Hazem EI Khatibi, general manager in China of ADI Industrial Designers Society of Italy Davide Conti, Hongkong famous designer - Mr. Liang Jinghua, professor of Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University Yu Lizhan, dean of Tianjin Fine Arts Institute Peng Jun and director of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts Ma Kexin. The strong jury team and designers of this year ranked among the top of all previous competitions.
ID+G 2016. 4 Golden-Creativity Award
Top 10 Most Influential Designers
FIGURE AWARD. MIhail Povstaniuk

Ms Marie RIGAUX - president of international jury “INNODESIGN PRIZE” international design award of France
ID+G 2016. 4 Golden-Creativity Award
Red Carpet Ceremony
Nadiya, Dariya & Mihail Povstaniuks

Silver Award. Nomination - Architectural Design
ID+G 2016. 4 Golden-Creativity Award
Silver Award. Mihail Povstaniuk.

These iconic villas will sweep you up and astound you with their fluid lines, dynamic sculptural poise, and imaginative spatial experience. Sitting atop the three highest points of the Anamaya estate, these exceptional properties offer every luxury and amenity for the discerning guest. Taking its lead from the surrounding terrain, a series of terraces usher the landscape into the heart of the villas affording an intimate interaction between the garden and internal space.
这些标 志性的别墅将扫描你和你震惊线条流畅,动态雕塑风度和充满想象力的空间体验。坐上的三个点最高Anamaya房地 产,这些特殊属性为挑剔的客人提供每一个豪华和舒适。从周围的地形,导致一系列的梯田景观引领到别墅的中心 提供一个花园和内部空间之间的亲密互动。

ID+G 2016. 4 Golden-Creativity Award
Bronze Awards. Nominations - Architectural Design
Bronze Award. Mihail Povstaniuk.
Buddha Temple China, Ningbo

Bronze Award. Commercial Exhibition Space design. Mihail Povstaniuk.
Black Sea Hotel&Shoping Mall

‘Black Sea’ hotel is one of the dominant building of the famous historical part named ‘Privoz’ in Odesa. The project brings together a carefully chosen mix of offices, apartments, hotels, and shops to encourage economic and social activity throughout the day.