Pre-Crafted House and Villa - Manufacturing, Construction, Installation

A-MDM Villa & House design, engineering and manufactoring
A-MDM uses the best achievement and innovation in Design and Factory Production. A-MDM Shanghai is engaged in the design and manufacturing of Pre-Crafted House and Villa and “turn-key“ interior projects. Clients received product fast and the best - factory's quality.
A-MDM Pre-Craft effective and flexible manner cooperate with local customers, partners, and relevant agencies it provides customized services designed for the owner's, unique personality and quality in achieving project highly aesthetic and has economic benefits. Also taking into account the environmental concerns of today's humanities and design, proposed as the basis for our Design and Productions.
Pre-Crafted used fast on-site Installation with best factory's quality.
Hybrid Manufacturing and Construction
Hybrid Pre-Crafted (HP) is a method of construction that integrates prefab structure, walls, overlaps, roof, and cast-in-situ concrete on-site to make the best advantage of their different inherent qualities. The accuracy, speed, and high-quality finish of precast components can be combined with the economy and flexibility of cast-in-situ concrete.
Hybrid prefabricated construction produces simple, buildable, and competitive structures. The client is given better value and the contractor benefits from increased off-site component manufacture, high quality and durability, safe and faster construction, and consistent performance.
Discover the Hybrid Difference
The complexity and high cost of building a custom home meant that for most of us, building that dream home could only ever be a dream – until now. Hybrid Building System's innovative approach to custom-built homes combines the best of conventional building methods with prefabricated panels and classic post and beam/timber frame construction, cutting the costs – and time – of building a new home.
What are better economic outcomes?
The economic outcomes throughout the construction value chain are defined differently for the different actors
Each of our prefabricated interiors is a product of unique individual designs with extremely quality materials actualized through a high level of professionalism.
Behind each project is a process of innovation and integration to achieve creative goals and customer's needs as well as social, ecological, sustainable existence.
This satisfaction is achieved with feelings of space harmony between useful function, creative idea, an inner feeling of visitors.
A–MDM company has valued modern trends, high quality, and individual approach to its clients in the field of architecture and design for more than 20 years.
Experience and a deep interest in everything new have led our team to open a new international office in Shanghai in 2011. This office specializes in contemporary ideas and technologies.
And now we have the opportunity to present a unique evolutionary product – as the result of innovative technologies, creative thinking, and high professionalism.
TURN-KEY interiors are quite famous. We offer a new interpretation known as 'Interior-set'. When an entire space needs repairing – walls, ceilings, flooring, and even furniture – we supply the pieces to make it completed. Our coordinated process gives a unique and high-quality contractor set and because we control every step from concept to completion the excellent result is guaranteed. All interior sets produced in the factory– whether they are built-in energy, lightning, or smart technology systems– are overseen at every project part: from factory production, shipping, and finally installation by us.
on-site construction period - 2 weeks
off-site production - 4 weeks
Why choose A-MDM Hybrid Pre-Crafting
1. Safer:
Prefabricate production of structural, walls, and engineering systems is safer than traditional construction methods. For example, steel performs better in disasters such as earthquakes, typhoons, etc, so the use of steel structure is safer. A-MDM Villas has seismic performance up to 8 degree
2. Durable and Fire resist:
A-MDM housing is made from anti-corrosion and high strength galvanized or aluminum galvanized steel structure. Fibro cement paneling one of the most durable facade materials. The whole structure is more durable and there is no need to worry about the contribution to fire.
3. High water and heat insulation:
100 mm in thickness vs of 1 meter of a brick wall.
4. High acoustic insulation:
64 dB for exterior walls and 43 dB for interior wall.
5. Comfortable:
The House structure is moisture-proof and insect-proof as well it has excellent heating and noise proof ability. The living environment is more secure and comfortable.
6. Easy to assemble and disassemble: repetitive to use.
7. Flexible:
All pipes can be concealed in the walls or floor structure. The actual usage area is at least 5% more than traditional buildings. The different living areas can be divided freely according to the design requirement and won’t be restricted by the position of the load-bearing walls.
8. Energy Saving:
The Composite lightweight and high strength floor and wall materials are insulated reducing noise and saving a lot of money in energy costs.
9. Environment Friendly:
100% light gauge housing frame is recyclable and reusable. There is no environmental pollution concern.ired in the construction process.
10. Design Flexibility:
Prefabricated construction can accommodate almost any style of residential buildings.
11. Low Cost:
Compared with concrete or other types of structures, a light gauge steel structure is light and reduces the requirement on foundation loads, which can result in large scale savings in foundation costs.
12. Speed up:
All the parts can be pre-fabricated in the factory and are quick to install. The sequence of design makes it possible to construct both internal and external walls simultaneously, which speeds up construction.
13. Quick Capital Turnover:
The quick installation won’t tie up developers’ investment and can speed up retrieving capital and so reduce the investment risk and improve the investment benefit.
14. Environment Friendly:
"Dry" construction has little environmental pollution, as all parts are connected by screws. Construction is not affected by the season. There is little scrap left on-site and no water is required in the construction process.