乌克兰著名设计师Povstanyuk Mikhail 荣获第四届 ID+G"金创意奖"国际空间设计大奖-银奖

Famous designer Povstanyuk Mikhail won on fourth ID + G "Golden Creativity Award" International Space Design Award - Silver
本届金创意奖特邀法国双面神“INNODESIGN PRIZE”国际设计大奖评审团主席Marie RIGAUX 女士担任国际评审团主席、并特邀美国MCM国际设计集团-总裁 Michael C.Mitchell先生、APID专业室内设计协会(迪拜)副主席-Hazem El Khatibi先生、ADI意大利工业设计协会-中国区总经理-Davide Conti先生、法国著名设计师-Herve Collignon先生、香港著名设计师-梁景华先生、清华大学美术学院-于历战教授、天津美术学院-彭军院长、鲁迅美术学院-马克辛主任。本届评审团阵容之强大及参赛设计师遍布全球各国,堪称历届之首!
Grand Ceremony for 2016 International Space Design Award— Golden-Creativity Award is a Complete Success On July 30, 2016, the 2016 4th Golden-Creativity International Space Design Competition and International Designer Summit Forum hosted by China International Interior Design Website was grandly held in Beijing Ronghua Central. The Golden- Creativity Award of this year has 1,000 participants who come from 15 countries including France, Italy, America, Spain, Britain, Russia, Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan, Hongkong and more than 40 provinces and regions in China and has over 2,000 sets of entries. The Golden Creativity Award of this year specially invited the president of jury for “INNODESIGN PRIZE” international design award of France Ms Marie RIGAUX to be president of international jury and also specially invited the president of MCM International Design Group of the United States Michael C.Mitchell, vice-president of APID Professional Interior Design Association (Dubai) Hazem EI Khatibi, general manager in China of ADI Industrial Designers Society of Italy Davide Conti, Hongkong famous designer - Mr. Liang Jinghua, professor of Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University Yu Lizhan, dean of Tianjin Fine Arts Institute Peng Jun and director of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts Ma Kexin. The strong jury team and designers of this year ranked among the top of all previous competitions.

乌克兰著名设计师Povstanyuk Mikhail现场签到

乌克兰获奖设计师Povstanyuk Mikhail与法国双面神国际设计大奖评审团主席Marie RIGAUX女士

With the rapid development of Chinese interior design industry, there are more exchange and cooperation opportunities between Chinese interior design industry and international design industry. Mutual promotion and common development of design industry between China and foreign countries have driven the process of globalization of Chinese interior design industry. The International Designer Theme Forum of this year invited famous designers from France , Italy, America and Taiwan. “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award of France is an award authorized by Design Institute of France and established specially for excellent designers from all walks of life. As the founder of “Janus”, one of the three industrial design awards in the world, Design Institute of France enjoys a high position in industrial design field. However, as Asian market, especially Chinese design market grow rapidly, Design Institute of France specially set up “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award in the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and France in 2014. Selection scopes mainly include fields like interior design, product design and building design, which has made up Janus’ limitation in industrial design field. China International Interior Design Website is the only authorized unit of “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award of Design Institute of France in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Such powerful alliance would surely promote closer exchange and cooperation in fields related to culture creativity industry and design between China and foreign countries and would open a glorious chapter for realizing global development of culture creativity industry. The Grand Ceremony for 2016 “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award and the 3rd China-France International Design Exchange Exhibition was launched in China. Let’s welcome our honored guests Marie RIGAUX, Herve Collignon , Ms. Tong Junwei, Ge Xiaobiao, Luo Daiming, Zheng Jimin, Xu Lin, Jiang QiJia to go here and start the Launching Ceremony for 2016 “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award and the 3rd China-France International Design Exchange Exhibition in China. Golden-Creativity Award International Designers—Summit Forum invited designers from UK, Taiwan and mainland China including Peter Linnett and Jiang Qi Jia, Lu Weidong, Xiaoping, Fang Fei, Bu Tianjing, Zhuo Hui, Luo Daiming. Excellent award-winning works in Golden Creativity Award will be invited by APID Professional Interior Design Association (Dubai) to participate in China-Arab International Design Exchange Exhibition in September and the 3rd China-France International Design Exchange Exhibition in November. All finalists will compete for 2016 “INNODESIGN PRIZE” International Design Award of France and participate in the award ceremony held in France. Golden-Creativity Award will surely become one of the most remarkable international design awards of global designers with the constant innovation of China International Interior Design Website and fast development of internationalization.