IIDA International Innovation Design Award. Milan, Italy
祝贺Mihail Povstaniuk ,在本次意大利IIDA国际设计大奖中,荣获的是别墅豪宅空间-国际创新设计奖!
Congratulations to Mihail Povstaniuk, who won the Villa Luxury Space-International Innovative Design Award in this Italian IIDA International Design Award!
During the course of world events, a wonderful project was developed # Environmental Villas # which have already received awards for their uniqueness and exclusivity.
These Villas live as a single organism, the creator in the person of Mikhail Povstaniuk, endowed them with their hearts, lungs ... Immune system what allows Villas to protect and create a wonderful atmosphere inside this development. We do not take the uniqueness of architectural forms and the use of Eco-materials which is also very important and these villas have. We are talking about a global situation and a pandemic. Mikhail found the main solution, and created the Villas as a single organism with all protective systems using the natural environment.
The houses use special measures and materials to destroy microorganisms and viruses. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimicrobial_properties_of_copper You can learn about beauty, convenience, accessibility and thoughtfulness by visiting the site. https://www.a-mdm.com/environmental-villa-icon-1850-1250
即将发布 在全球事件的发展进程中,一个全新的项目#环境别墅#开发完成,它的别致与独特已为它赢得多个奖项 该项目中的别墅为独立有机体,该项目的创造者代表Mikhail Povstanyuk,赋予了这些别墅心、肺……这些免疫系统使别墅在其开发区内保护并打造了一个优美的环境。这些别墅不仅有独特的建筑形态,同时使用了非常重要的生态材料。我们当前正面对全球性的疫情。Mikhail找到了主要解决方案,并将这些别墅打造成使用自然环境作为保护系统的独立有机体。 这一独特的开发项目将在意大利获得其首个奖项,我们会在几天后公布。 你可访问以下网站,了解该项目的美观、便利、可达性与周到。https://www.a-mdm.com/environmental-villa-icon-1850-1250 该别墅使用了用于摧毁微生物和病毒的特殊措施和材料。 我们的设计和技术使用能够杀死病原体的杀菌材料,该材料已通过美国国家环境保护局(EPA)、南卡罗莱纳州医科大学(MUSC)和其他机构测试。参见以下链接:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antimicrobial_properties_of_copper
